When I was young, I was not only facinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life, but also completely terrified by it. I mean... I feared the possibility of beeing abducted, but since I knew only a few races of aliens (like greys and some reptoid aliens) would abduct people against their will and perform invasive tests and such, I realized I was also afraid of meeting any extraterrestrial at all (even an arcturian)! And I could not understand this irracional fear that was fed by the simple conception of a humanoid beeing with unlikely body ratio and facial features. It was simply out of my range of comprehention, and it even souded a bit preconceptual nonetheless sincere.
About a couple of years ago, I came across a study called "Uncanny Valley", that would precisely talk about the reasons why we tend to repudiate and even fear things. Reading it made me laugh about my early fear and defenetly made me reassured about myself and my nature.
If you want to know more about Uncanny Valley, watch the video above, or just click >HERE< and read the related Wikipedia page.
About a couple of years ago, I came across a study called "Uncanny Valley", that would precisely talk about the reasons why we tend to repudiate and even fear things. Reading it made me laugh about my early fear and defenetly made me reassured about myself and my nature.
If you want to know more about Uncanny Valley, watch the video above, or just click >HERE< and read the related Wikipedia page.
2 comentários:
Cara, acho que tu uma das poucas pessoas no mundo, contando comigo, que falam sobre experiência de abdução como uma possibilidade iminente na infância!... :)
Bah, afu! Mas hoje em dia, depois de muito ler a respeito, eu sei que as chances de ser abduzida aqui no Brasil são praticamente nulas. Digo, abduções violentas não acontecem mais aqui, só nos EUA, onde ainda esta vigente o acordo entre aquela raça de draconianos e o governo americano.
Mas existe outra raça que dizem ser "nós do futuro", que abduz pessoas pra recolher material genético e enriquecer o dna deles que já está "gasto" por ter sido clonado por tanto tempo.
é legal que hoje, tudo que eu lia quando mais nova, faz sentido. :D
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